Esoteric astrology is the astrology of the soul. (The more ordinary and familiar form of astrology is concerned with the human personality.) Esoteric astrology has been passed down to us primarily through the writing of Alice A. Bailey, as dictated by the Master D.K.
For humanity, the goal of evolution is to bring our outer personal self in line with our inner spiritual purpose. Esoteric astrology helps us to do that by understanding the nature of soul and the guiding principles which move us in our personal life toward being more loving, compassionate and just human beings.
The twelve signs of the zodiac, along with the planets in our solar system, influence our consciousness with these principles. Each full moon celebration at Meditation Mount gives us an opportunity to focus our attention on these universal principles and to experience within the group field the spiritual energies as they move down into our conscious awareness.
Astrological Readings by Ron Thurlow, Ph.D., Esoteric Astrologer Astrological Sign Paintings by Sandy Thurlow
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