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The Leo full moon supports us in going deeper into our consciousness to discover our Soul's purpose for this lifetime. As we meditate upon the Leo full moon, we contemplate the illumination that the light of Leo brings. Leo rays enlighten every human heart with love and wisdom. We have only to accept it and to share it. 

According to the Ageless Wisdom, it was in the sign of Leo that • 
the first awakening of individual consciousness occurred. The 
development of mass consciousness was completed in the sign of Cancer. This prepared the way for the birth of humanity and the beginning of the long evolution of individual consciousness. For eons the evolutionary focus has been on the development of an integrated, intelligent and functional personality. Gradually, we become more self-aware, more sensitive to our environment and better able to perceive finer and finer frequencies of energy.


In her book, Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey states: 
"In the evolutionary process there is, therefore, first the form, gradually prepared, adjusted, aligned and oriented during many aeons of time; behind this active form, as it steadily improves and becomes more responsive to environment and contact, stands the slowly awakening consciousness. This is the thinking, intuiting, loving soul, which tightens its hold over its response apparatus, avails itself upon every possible occasion of the advance made by the form, and employs every influence for perfecting of the great work which it undertook under the Law of Sacrifice."


The symbol for Leo is the Lion. The lion "King of the Jungle" symbolizes leadership skills and the power of persuasion over others. However, as human evolution proceeds, the impulse to control others is redirected toward self-control. When Leo power is focused on subduing the ego rather than identifying with it, a complete shift in consciousness ensues. This shift causes a new type of inspirational leadership, motivated by altruism and the desire to serve.


Leo's egotism is replaced with an inner recognition that personal ambition alone will not satisfy a deeper need to understand the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence here. The persistent evolution of individual consciousness, eventually and inevitably turns toward humility and an open heart which leads toward the development of the intuition and empathy.


Little by little we become more sensitive to the needs of others. Slowly we begin to feel the burden of human suffering and our responsibility to help ease it. We begin to shift our life's work toward the alleviation of suffering. Our focus in life now becomes altruistic. With an open heart we experience compassion for all beings.


Gradually it has become clear to many of us that there has to be a spiritual context in which we live and move and have our being. The movement of Leo energy pushes us toward the insight needed to see through our perceived personal limitations and illusions. With more light, we begin the spiritual search for the true meaning of our existence. That search inevitably leads to self-realization. The knowledge that I am the Soul. 

Even as "the great illusion" of separation is exposed and the unity of everything is realized, individuality is not lost. As we shift our awareness to the vastly expanded field of soul identity, we see that we are participating in an ordered plan that is manifested through group consciousness. Group consciousness is created by the coming together of individual souls in service to God's plan. Group consciousness is governed by Leo's opposite, the sign of Aquarius. Although Aquarius is located across the zodiac from Leo, the relationship between the two signs is not an opposition, but a continuum from individualism to inclusion in a greater whole.


In esoteric astrology, Leo is governed by the Sun on three distinct levels. The names of each level are symbolically associated with an expansion of consciousness. The first image is the "Physical Sun" representing the personal level, the second image is called the "Heart of the Sun" representing the soul level and the final image is the "Central Spiritual Sun" representing the Life aspect. These three rulers direct the entire story of the evolution of individual human consciousness. Beginning with egocentric personal consciousness (ruled by the Physical Sun), soul consciousness (ruled by the Heart of the Sun), and finally fully conscious God-realization (ruled by the Central Spiritual Sun)


The Keyword for Leo is: "I am That and That am I."

Astrological Readings by Ron Thurlow, Ph.D., Esoteric Astrologer 
Astrological Sign Paintings by Sandy Thurlow 

Upcoming Full Moon Meditations

  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Sat, Mar 29
    Mar 29, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Reclaiming Intuition with Katharine O’Neal
    Reclaiming Intuition with Katharine O’Neal
    Mar 29, 2025, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    An Afternoon Retreat at Meditation Mount
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Sat, Mar 29
    Mar 29, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Meditation for Neptune’s Ingress into Aries 2025
    Meditation for Neptune’s Ingress into Aries 2025
    Mar 30, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM PDT
    We welcome your participation in the group meditation led by Halina Bak-Hughes.
  • Sunday Morning Sound Meditation with Suburbanoid
    Sunday Morning Sound Meditation with Suburbanoid
    Mar 30, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary for a Sound Meditation at our Majestic Viewpoint
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Sun, Mar 30
    Mar 30, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Wed, Apr 02
    Apr 02, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Sunset Yoga & Sound Meditation with Elizabeth Del Negro
    Sunset Yoga & Sound Meditation with Elizabeth Del Negro
    Apr 03, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to join us at Meditation Mount for a yoga and sound meditation Thursday evenings at sunset.
  • Sunset Sound Meditation with  Kelly Jean Anderson
    Sunset Sound Meditation with  Kelly Jean Anderson
    Apr 04, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary for a Sunset Sound Meditation.
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Sat, Apr 05
    Apr 05, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Yoga with Alana Mitnick
    Yoga with Alana Mitnick
    Apr 05, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Meditation Mount is pleased to present Yoga with Alana Mitnick every first Saturday of the month in the Auditorium.
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Apr 05, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Sunday Morning Sound Meditation with Suburbanoid
    Sunday Morning Sound Meditation with Suburbanoid
    Apr 06, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary for a Sound Meditation at our Majestic Viewpoint
  • Transforming Your Heart & Life with Jodie Skalla
    Transforming Your Heart & Life with Jodie Skalla
    Apr 06, 2025, 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Cultivating Goodwill through Creative Meditation at Meditation Mount
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Sun, Apr 06
    Apr 06, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Wed, Apr 09
    Apr 09, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.
  • Sunset Yoga & Sound Meditation with Elizabeth Del Negro
    Sunset Yoga & Sound Meditation with Elizabeth Del Negro
    Apr 10, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to join us at Meditation Mount for a yoga and sound meditation Thursday evenings at sunset.
  • Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Visitation Experience – 2 Hour
    Membership Offer
    Fri, Apr 11
    Apr 11, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    Meditation Mount, 10340 Reeves Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, USA
    Welcome! You are invited to experience Meditation Mount’s Sanctuary through your own visitation experience. When you step through our iconic wooden Portal approaching the Garden, please pause, take in a deep breath, and enter into that place of Peace within your heart.


Aries is the initiator of every cycle of manifestation. The Aries personality may be reckless and impulsive. When aligned with soul intent, Aries moves the creative impulse to toward a new goal. 



Taurus provides us with the desire and drive to push ahead against all obstacles. When that desire is transformed into aspiration the goal becomes illumination. 



Gemini brings to our awareness the duality of all manifested life. We come to know ourselves as dual beings - mental and emotional, higher mind and lower mind, and finally soul and personality.



In Cancer our awareness is centered on the form side of life. It is the Mother aspect, the womb of time and the identification of self with mass consciousness. The Cancer form receives and holds Father-spirit.



Virgo is the sign of the virgin mother. She holds the hidden Christ in her womb. The Virgo personality can be critical, but as she evolves she assumes responsibility for nurturing the divine life within.



Libra is the balance point in the zodiac. It is the decision point that we face each moment when we choose to think and act selfishly or to direct our path toward selfless, spiritual service.



Scorpio is the sign of the triumphant disciple. As a personality, Scorpio can deliver a harmful scorpion sting. However, once on the spiritual path, trials and struggles no longer slow the disciple's progress.



Sagittarius is the sign of the seeker. In Sagittarius, we evolve from associating ourselves with the material side of life to identifying with our spiritual goals. The archer hits his mark and moves to the next goal.



Capricorn is the sign of the initiate. It is the symbol of the goat climbing up the mountain. As a personality, Capricorn can be willful and selfishly driven, but when motivated by spiritual will the mountain top becomes attainable.



Aquarius is the sign of the world server. The goal of Aquarius is group consciousness. The Aquarius personality may be focused on narrow instinctual pursuits. When the soul is in control, Aquarius moves us to join with others to improve the lives of all beings.



Pisces is the sign of the world savior. As Aries is the beginning of everything, Pisces is the end of all cycles. The Pisces personality tends to be fluid and emotional. With evolution Pisces brings clear vision, insight and a fine intuitive sensitivity.


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Our mission is to promote the building of an enlightened and compassionate world through the power of creative meditation, inspirational educational programs, and community-based events. Learn more.

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