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Full Moon Meditation Recording – April 15, 2022

This Full Moon Meditation Online experience was led by Board Members Michael Lindfield and Diana Lang. We are grateful for the music used in our introduction and closing which was sourced from Deuter – East of the Full Moon.

The Fire sign of Aries is the “birthplace of divine Ideas” and it marks the beginning of the zodiacal year and the creative process. It is the first of the Three Major Full Moon Festivals. Here, in the northern hemisphere, Aries is associated with Spring and the Festival of Easter as it transmits the energy of resurrection and rebirth. It is this resurrection of the spirit in humanity, in all forms and in all realms that is the objective of the entire evolutionary process.

This fiery sign embodies the will-to-create that finds expression in the will-to-good.

We look forward to your presence and participation at this auspicious and opportune time for new beginnings on our planet.

In the Love of the One Soul.

Duration: 50:55 Minutes

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