International Garden of Peace

This walk is open for all to enjoy and contemplate the six statements below that are beautifully engraved on the boulders in the garden. We wish to create a powerful and contemplative setting within the International Garden of Peace where people will find inspiration to lead more purposeful and compassionate lives – realizing that we are all citizens of one world.
To sit in stillness and ponder the deeper meaning and significance of these principles is to understand the source of inner peace that guides and inspires us to lead lives that make a positive difference in today’s busy and troubled world.
We invite and encourage you to cultivate your own personal Garden of Peace through meditation and daily application of these principles.
Cultivating inner peace requires constant practice and we trust that the gifts you receive from this and subsequent visits to Meditation Mount will strengthen your capacity to lead more peaceful, purposeful and compassionate lives that are a real force for good in the world.