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Signs of Hope: Featuring Dr. Dot Maver and Dr. Julie Krull – January 24, 2021

We are delighted to offer a series of monthly conversations with pioneers serving the Common Good and actively sowing seeds of a better world at every opportunity.

We find ourselves in a period of transition between two Ages when old structures and beliefs are dying and new ones are emerging. Sometimes it is difficult to see the hope-filled shoots of new possibilities amid the disarray of a society in upheaval.

Our intent is to highlight the many signs of hope springing up around the world ~ to encourage us to step up and offer our unique gifts in response to the call of the soul and the need of the times.

Our guests for the January 24th Signs of Hope broadcast are Dr. Dot Maver (Founder – National Peace Academy and Global Silent Minute Initiative) and Dr. Julie Krull (Founder – Good of the Whole). Michael Lindfield is the host of this session on behalf of Meditation Mount.

Duration: 60 Minutes

Dr. Dot Maver

Dr. Dot Maver is an educator and peacebuilder whose keynote is inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good. Dot is a co-founder of the Global Silent Minute, National Peace Academy USA, Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures of Peace, the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, and the Seven Ray Institute. Her work in education, politics and grassroots community organizing is focused on applied peacebuilding utilizing a shared responsibility and shared leadership model.

Dr. Julie Krull

Founder – Good of the Whole

Dr. Julie serves as a midwife for the evolution of consciousness, whole systems health, and a whole worldview. She works with evolutionary change-agents—co-creating greater connection and wholeness—as a best-selling, Nautilus Award-winning author, speaker, consciousness coach, mentor, host of The Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, and Co-Founder of Good of the Whole.

Michael Lindfield

Board President – Meditation Groups Inc.

Michael is a highly regarded consultant and coach helping unleash the creativity of the human spirit to meet the needs of our times and the call of the future. He learned his craft from a range of experiences that include: a 14-year residency as a gardener and as Director of Education at the Findhorn Community in Scotland; small-scale organic farming in western Sweden; conducting seminars and presenting at conferences around the world on the theme of ‘transforming self and society’ and as a senior organization development consultant with The Boeing Company from 1989-2005.

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