Our theme is: 'Being of Service in Turbulent Times'.
It is stated in the Wisdom Teachings that the natural urge of the Soul is to give freely of its love in service – like a brightly shining sun radiating its light and warmth to all and asking for nothing in return.
Responding wholeheartedly to this compelling inner call to serve is how we can best mobilize the power of our Souls to meet the evolutionary needs of these times and to bring order on a new turn of the spiral from out of the present period of chaos and churning.
Service can be seen as any intentional act that supports the betterment of life on Earth for all beings. Service is predicated on the realization that each of us is an integral and essential aspect of the One Life so that all we think, say and do will serve the good of the whole. As the whole is nourished, it naturally nourishes all of its constituent parts. This lived experience is key in understanding the spiritual adage: “It is in giving that we receive”.
Whenever the part – be that an individual, a political party, a religious movement or even a nation – seeks to make itself greater than the whole, then we see the clear signs and symptoms of an emerging culture of colonization. Every time we think and act in egotistical and separative ways, we do a great disservice to the entire community of lives upon this terrestrial sphere.
During our time together we will examine some of the underlying causes of the current state of the world and explore how we can assist in restoring health and hope.
We welcome your presence and participation on this journey as we ‘inquire the way together’.
In the Light of the One Soul,
Duration: 00:53:49 Minutes