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View from the Mount: ‘Building A Bridge To The Soul’ – September 9, 2024

Our theme is: ‘Building A Bridge To The Soul'. 

It has long been understood that through a steadfast and daily practice of meditation, a bridge of resonance can be established between the Soul and the personality that fashions a vibrant channel through which the Power of the One Life can flow and circulate.

This is what the Ageless Wisdom teaching refers to as the building of the ‘antahkarana’ or ‘rainbow bridge’ that connects Heaven and Earth inside us. The need for the light of the Soul to illumine and guide our every step – both individually and collectively - has never been greater. This is the compelling inner call to which we are all responding.

During our time together we will explore the nature of spiritual bridge-building and seek to understand what it requires from each of us to construct this life-line to the Sun of our sovereign Self.

In the Light of the One Soul,

Duration: 0:54:51 Minutes

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