Visitor Guidelines
We welcome you to rediscover yourself in the peace and beauty of Meditation Mount. To provide the true gift of Meditation Mount as a sanctuary of the soul, and to preserve the tranquility of the space, we offer a diverse range of inspirational and nurturing experiences. To register to visit, please see our calendar for visitations and events .
Please use these helpful guidelines and frequently asked questions to make your visit more enjoyable. Thank you for your respect and cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do at Meditation Mount?
We welcome you to enjoy Meditation Mount as a sacred space to meditate and rediscover yourself in the peace and beauty of the surroundings. We offer three experiences during Visitations including a Meditative Walk, Guided Audio Meditations and Creative Meditation to transmit blessings to a world in need. To find out more about visitations please click here. We also offer recurring events including sound meditations and yoga, and special events. Please visit our calendar for our current offerings.
What are your hours?
Meditation Mount is currently open by registration for either Visitations or Events Wednesday through Sunday. You may visit anytime during our two-hour Visitation time slots. To read more about Visitations and see the schedule click here. We have both recurring and special events. Please visit our calendar for the most updated events schedule.
Who can visit Meditation Mount?
Meditation Mount welcomes all visitors of all faiths or no faith at all. We ask that visitors help maintain the serene and welcoming atmosphere and refrain from proselytizing of any form.
How far ahead of time can I register my visit?
You may register up to 60 days ahead of time. Please register by visiting our calendar.
How do I visit Meditation Mount?
Meditation Mount currently offers visitations in two-hour time slots for $12.00 per person. Please make sure to register online in advance of visiting to make sure your spot is reserved. You can view our Calendar to select the best time for your visit. You may also visit during our recurring or special events.
What happens when I arrive?
Upon arrival at the appointed time, the gate will be opened with a greeter available to welcome you and check you in. The gate will open at the time indicated on your reservation. You will be asked to park up the driveway and a guide will arrive to show you how to navigate the grounds and explore what Meditation Mount has to offer.
Where can I explore on the grounds?
Visitors can spend time in the Auditorium, Gift Shop, International Garden of Peace, Viewpoint and The Path. A map of the grounds is located here and provided to you upon arrival. All other indoor facilities are for office operations and private residences which are closed to the public.
What should I bring with me to Meditation Mount?
Please be sure to bring along your own water and any sun protection you may want as there is minimal shade on the property during the afternoon heat. If you plan on walking the meditative path, please bring appropriate footwear. Please also bring layers or warmth if you are going to be at the Mount during sunset. We also ask that all guests bring along an open heart and treat each other with loving kindness and respect.
Is there a bathroom?
A public restroom is available and accessible from the perimeter walkway.
Is there parking?
At the end of the driveway, one will encounter the parking lot. Please park your vehicle in appropriately marked spaces.
What is the terrain like at Meditation Mount?
One of the attractions of Meditation Mount is its natural setting and access to the abundance of Nature’s beauty. Thus, one of the objectives is to preserve as much of that serene feeling as possible.
Meditation Mount is a semi-wilderness area containing natural hazards, such as rough potted roads, gopher holes, and uneven terrain. Closed-toed walking shoes are recommended. Please stay on the paths and watch for snakes. It is strongly recommended that visitors do not go alone on the more isolated trails.
What is the weather like at Meditation Mount?
It is always advisable to check the weather report. Summers and early fall can be quite warm or even hot, and visitors should come prepared with a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and extra drinking water. The weather can be cool in late fall and through winter and early spring. The days can be sunny with temperatures dropping near the end of the day. Jackets and layers are recommended. Sometimes gloves and hats are appropriate. Meditation Mount can be enshrouded in the mist during winter and spring, in which case a rain jacket may be needed. Please where the appropriate shoes and clothes to make sure you can enjoy your experience.
Can people stay overnight?
Meditation Mount is designed for day pilgrimage and visitation, and there are no overnight facilities, with an exception for those who are registered as over-night participants in our multiple-day retreats. Visitors to the area can select from a number of places to stay in the nearby towns of Ojai, Ventura, or Santa Paula.
Can I bring food and drinks to Meditation Mount?
In order to not distract from the experience of the Sanctuary of Meditation Mount we do not allow either bringing or consuming food on-site. You are allowed to bring water, however visitors agree that they will not bring alcoholic beverages, drugs, or intoxicants to Meditation Mount nor to be on the property under their influence.
Can I bring my pet to Meditation Mount?
For the health and safety of our guests and gardens of the Sanctuary, Meditation Mount has a No-Pets policy. Although we love animals, we ask that you please leave your pet at home during your visit to Meditation Mount. This No-Pets policy applies to Emotional Support Animals, Comfort Animals and Therapy Animals.
Meditation Mount complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) allowing access for all individuals to public places; therefore we do allow working service dogs to accompany guests. Service animals are individually trained to perform work or tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are required to be leashed or harnessed except when performing work or tasks where such tethering would interfere with the dog’s ability to perform the work or tasks.
Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. Under ADA regulations that became effective on March 15, 2011, there are no protections for emotional support animals in terms of access to public accommodations and public entities. The Department of Justice has stated that emotional support animals are not protected as service animals under these regulations.
Should you arrive to the garden with a pet that is not a service animal, you will be asked to take your dog home as it is unhealthy to leave them in your vehicle. To avoid any disruption or inconvenience, we ask that you please leave your pet at home.
Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.
Can I bring a large group of people with me to visitations?
Any group that is interested in visiting Meditation Mount with more than 10 people must contact the Operations Manager in advance at 805-646-5508 or write an email to connect@meditationmount.org. Effort will be made to accommodate the group according to our on-site schedule. Each member of the group must sign in and is responsible for following the Visitor Guidelines.
Who do I contact if I need Handicapped Access?
Please contact the Operations Manager before visiting Meditation Mount at 805-646-5508 for instructions regarding handicapped access.
Can I smoke at Meditation Mount?
Smoking is not permitted on the entire property. Fire is a serious, year-round danger to Meditation Mount and the entire area. Candles and open fires are not permitted anywhere on the property. Immediately report any sign of fire or smoke to the Manager/Caretakers. Visitors are not allowed to smoke any tobacco or tobacco substitutes. Vaping is also not permitted. In addition visitors agree that will not bring alcoholic beverages, drugs, or intoxicants to Meditation Mount nor to be on the property under their influence.
Can I host an event at Meditation Mount?
Meditation Mount is not a venue for rent for events. However, we do offer our own workshops and special events that are aligned with our Mission of promoting the building of an enlightened and compassionate world through the application of the principles and pathways. For current event offerings please visit: MeditaitonMount.org/event-offerings
Our guests safety and respect of the wildlife at Meditation Mount are a top priority. We ask that you avoid potential safety hazards such as steep trails, maintenance equipment and enclosed storage areas while on the property. If you see wildlife on our property, please do not approach or attempt to feed. Please note that Meditation Mount may be a habitat for poison oak, and poisonous snakes and insects. We have also seen bears, bobcats, deer, coyotes and foxes on the property. Be alert and keep close watch of children. Please report any problem wildlife to our staff and caretakers. Please note firearms and weapons are not permitted on the property.
Children are welcome during Visitations at Meditation Mount. Children are also welcome on a case-by-case basis during our events, as some quiet indoor meditation events may not be suitable. If you have a question of if your child can come to an event, please contact connect@meditationmount.org. If children do attend programs and/or visitations, we ask that parents or adult guardians are responsible for their whereabouts and behavior and remain quiet and respectful of the meditative peaceful nature of the property and its other guests. Please note, there are no special facilities for children on site. For safety reasons, children under 14 years of age must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Young people 15 years and over are expected to know and respect the Visitor Guidelines for Meditation Mount.
The use of electronic devices must be as limited as possible. Please turn off all ringers and sound notifications on cell phones when arriving at the property and do not take phone calls in any areas where other visitors are within hearing distance. No drones of any type are permitted at Meditation Mount, unless specifically and previously authorized. Any form of commercial or professional filming, photography or videography requires prior approval along with the appropriate authorization forms.
Visitors are asked to remember and follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health to act responsibly in reducing the transmission of the virus. In order to ensure the safety of our guests, volunteers, and employees, the following measures are being implemented:
If you are feeling sick, even with mild symptoms, please stay home.
Remain mindful of risks in shared public spaces.
Capacity is limited for the purposes of safety.
There are steps to take to protect your health and those around you:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Cough or sneeze into a tissue and immediately dispose of it.
Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipes.
Anyone who becomes sick with respiratory symptoms like fever and cough, should stay away from work, school or other people to avoid spreading illness, and seek assistance from a healthcare provider of symptoms become severe.